
Character Hub

( OCs Written by Fury's Mercy, 36, he/they )

OOC Info

  • As I am in my mid 30s, I require all RP partners to be 21+ with a preference for 30+ for shipping and long term RP. I will not RP with anyone under the age of 21. I also ask that all characters be over the age of 21 as well.

  • I'm a nonbinary transmasculine person (he/they). LGBTQ+ RP partners and atmospheres are a must. If queer identities make you at all uncomfortable, I am not the RP partner for you. Not only am I queer but my characters are as well.

  • Between my RL schedule and my RP schedule, I end up pretty busy. This means that I prefer to schedule RP well in advance. I do not do walk up RP nor do I tend to do spontaneous scenes. If you'd like to set something up, please reach out and I can send you my calendar.

  • I am OOCly polyamorous and most of my characters share this particular trait as well. I like to be very upfront about this as I have come across players who are uncomfortable with polyamorous shipping. If this makes you uncomfortable from an OOC standpoint, it may be best that we do not interact. With that said, I am absolutely not seeking OOC romance and do not want that to be in any way involved in my IC shipping.

  • I do not do non-canon or AU RP. All interactions with my characters exist within the same canon and universe.

  • Open communication is a must. While I do not script my RP, I do prefer to discuss certain things ahead of time. This helps to make certain that everyone is having fun and on the same page.

  • I have a strong preference for in-game RP. While I understand that discord RP is easier for a lot of people, I currently do very little of it, and I keep those scenes limited to long-term RP partners and continuing RP that we could not wrap in game. While I may make some exceptions, they will be rare.

  • I am open to RPing anything from dark themes to lighter and more comedic scenes. I am good with most things as long as there is open communication. However, I will not RP non-con or SA of any kind.

  • As most of my characters have been in play for quite some time, they lean towards higher power levels and the grey areas of lore. In casual interactions this will likely never come up, but if you prefer a lore restricted, lower power experience, my characters may not be for you.

Character List


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click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want

FULL NAME August tal Mercer of the Urit
ALIAS Mercer, Merc
AGE 32
GENDER Cisgender Man, he/him
RACE Midlander Hyur / Werewolf
RELATIONSHIP STATUS Polyamorous. Married with other partners.
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Good / Chaotic Neutral
ACTIVITY LEVEL Extremely Active
SHORT INTRO Born and raised in the Brume, August Mercer (known to the world as just Mercer) has clawed his way out of the gutters and fled the home he once hated only to recently return and set up shop. Known as an extremely talented engineer (and Skysteel trained Machinist), he has opened up A.M. Steelworks with the aim of creating and maintaining magitek prosthetics for the citizens of Ishgard (or any who are willing to travel). Will his reputation as the son of an executed heretic impact his work? How about his unusual ties to the House of Vairemont? Or the other strange company he keeps?
HOOK #1 Seeking fellow Brume Rats! If your character was born and raised in the brume, this is the hook for you. Maybe they met Mercer when he was younger, or maybe they've met recently at some dive bar. Either way, he needs more brume friends.
HOOK #2 Looking for tek! Mercer largely deals in the creation and maintenance of magitek prosthetics, but he's prone to taking other jobs he find interesting. If you're looking for something, he might just be your man.

FULL NAME Lord Sebastian GĂ©rard Henri de Vairemont
ALIAS Sebastian Greystone
AGE 27
GENDER Cisgender Man, he/him
RACE Midlander Hyur / Ishgardian Elezen
RELATIONSHIP STATUS Polyamorous. Married with other partners.
ALIGNMENT Neutral Evil
ACTIVITY LEVEL Extremely Active
SHORT INTRO As a bastard born to a noble lady and a hyuran solider, Sebastian's life has hardly been easy. Though, it is difficult to see that from the outside given that he bears a noble name and was raised as if his short stature and nearly rounded ears said nothing about his station. Having once been ousted from his house and left with the name Greystone, the lordling has recently found himself elevated and returned to the fold. He is a bastard no more. At least not in name. What will he do with his new-found power? Is he, in fact, the one pulling the strings of House Vairemont? Only time will tell.
HOOK #1 Bastard Club! Sebastian often finds himself drawn to other noble bastards. This doesn't seem to have changed even though he has been legitimized. Maybe he should meet your bastard?
HOOK #2 The Heretic's Son. According to rumor, Sebastian's father was convicted of heresy and executed. Has he followed in his father's footsteps? There is only one way to find out.

FULL NAMEViscount Cyrille de Archambeau
AGE 39
GENDER Cisgender Man, he/him
RACE Ishgardian Elezen
RELATIONSHIP STATUS Partnered. Betrothed.
SHORT INTRO Having been nothing more than a fringe presence in Ishgardian society, it was a shock to all when Cyrille assumed the title of Viscount of House Archambeau. The inquisitor had not been trained to take up such a mantle. In fact, it is thought that he was sent off to serve the church in hopes that his eccentricities would go unnoticed. Or, at the very least, would not come back on House Archambeau. Unfortunately for Cyrille, his elder brother was mortally wounded near the tail end of the Dragonsong War, and with no heirs to speak of, the title passed to him. Now he has found himself thrust into the spotlight of high society, forced to mingle, and even to take a wife. Though, most of his fellow nobles doubt that he will make it to the alter. He's far too strange for any woman to put up with for very long. Title or no.
HOOK #1 Former Inquisitor. Before his ascension to the title of Viscount, Cyrille was an inquisitor. Character with ties to the Inquisition may have worked with him.
HOOK #2 Collector. Cyrille is known to collect odd bits and bobs. If you find yourself in possession of monster parts or memorabilia, Cyrille is the man to sell it to.


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click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want
click here / add an url to a google doc or something for a full info page if you want

FULL NAME Kishar Sepelire
ALIAS Cassia, Cassius, Cas
AGE Unknown
GENDER Agender, he/they
RACE Voidsent / Ashkin / Appears as a Duskwight
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Evil
Currently unaware of who he truly is, or who he is meant to be, Kishar currently finds himself haunting the streets of Ishgard, lingering on rooftops like a gargoyle as he watches over his viera companion, Teo-Linh. Where most people might have found the prospect of being bound to a corpse revolting, Kishar sees it as freedom. After years spend under the thumb of a more powerful voidsent, he is simply happy to be free to do as he wishes. And what he seems to wish to do is keep his viera friend out of trouble and lurk in the shadows.
HOOK #1 Voidsent! Those who can sense the void, can easily tell that Kishar is a voidsent. The method through which he has gained his body is unique, however. It is not a simple possession. Maybe you'd like to find out more?
HOOK #2 Out for a hunt. In order to survive, Kishar must consume aether. Which means he needs to hunt. Perhaps he has overstepped a boundary and ended up in your character's territory? Maybe he got too messy and someone noticed? Or, maybe you character doesn't like to hunt alone and wants a buddy?

AGE 25
GENDER Transgender Man, he/him
RACE Rava Viera / Viis / Mystel
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neutral
SHORT INTRO Teo's life was changed irrevocably the moment that he felt that familiar spark of his own magic called forth by another's hand. The then Mystel followed that feeling, eventually ending up across the rift and face to face with one X'khal'a Moui, a shard of his own soul. Or, perhaps it is the other way around. Either way, Teo's curiosity paid off and he set out to write he new story. He remains on the source, spending most of his time exploring with those close to him and learning of his new home. He currently find himself in Ishgard, collecting tales of war and dragons.
HOOK #1 Looking for dragons! Teo is absolutely desperate to meet a dragon. Maybe you know where he can find one? Or your character is one? He would be delighted to share stories over a cup of tea. Do dragons drink tea? He's not sure.
HOOK #2 Storytime! Teo lives to share and collect stories. It is a spiritual sort of practice for him that he takes very seriously. If your character is a storyteller he'd love to meet them. Or maybe they just want to share tales of their adventures? He's always happy to lend an ear.

FULL NAME Francois Pierre Olivier de la Neige
ALIAS Pierre, The Winter Prince
AGE Unknown
GENDER Cisgender Man, he/him
RACE Unseelie Fae
ALIGNMENT Chaotic Evil
SHORT INTRO Once a Prince, always a prince. Though, it has been so long that Pierre cannot remember the name of the mortal realm he was once destined to rule. Nor does he remember all of the details of the events that led to his immortality. There was something about a magician and a curse and beasts roaming Voeburt. It has all been eclipsed by what felt like aeons of being bound to a swamp. Or, well, it was a lake if you asked the people of Rak'tika, but why would they know better than him? Having been finally freed from his prison, Pierre has found his way to the source seeking something that was stolen from him. What is he looking for and will he find it?
HOOK #1 Occult markets! Pierre seems to be looking for something rare and powerful. He's not keen to tell people exactly what it is, just that he will know when he is close to it. He can often be found in occult shops and at black market auctions, but has yet to find what he's looking for.
HOOK #2 Make a pact! Does your character have something they desperately want? Would they do anything for it? Pierre can help them.

FULL NAME Slate Wolfe
AGE 50
GENDER Cisgender Man, he/him
RACE Midlander Hyur
ALIGNMENT True Neutral
SHORT INTRO If there's one thing Slate Wolfe is good at, it's fighting. He could take and punch and throw a punch better than most of the kids his age. It got him into trouble when he was younger, but eventually he found a use for it. The Arcadion. He made a name for himself in the ring, winning more matches to the death than he lost. when he finally stepped aside at the age of twenty, he'd probably already taken far too many beatings, but he had to do something with his life. The arena was changing it was time to move on. And so he stepped out of the spotlight and took up hunting, allowing his name and fame to fade away. Though, some people still remember his days in the ring, when the fights were simpler. But most simply know him as the lone wolf, a hunter who keeps to himself.
HOOK #1 Hunt marks! Slate is, essentially, a big game hunter. He doesn't hunt for sport, but he does enjoy a good challenge. If you have a big beastie that needs to be killed, he's your man.
HOOK #2 Alexandrian! Slate has not, so far, ventured outside of the dome. Nor is he likely to anytime soon. But if your character spends time in or around Solution Nine, I am sure we can work something out.

Original NPCs

  • Lady Marcette de Vairemont - Regent of House Vairemont and elder sister to Sebastian.

  • Baron Dacien de Vairemont - Former head of House Vairemont. Deceased.

  • Lady Aveline de Heroux - Wife of Dacien. Deceased.

  • Erleaux Lenoud - Master at Arms for House Vairemont.

  • Aurifort Badeaux - Sebastian's valet and confidant.

  • Liyaya Liya - Owner of Aetherflow Investigations and Mercer's sometimes employer.

  • Gadget - Mercer's personal assistant mammet and self-proclaimed best friend.

  • Octant - The mammet navigator aboard Mercer's airship, Stormbringer.

  • Crimp - Stormbringer's mammet engineer.

  • Girder - The loader mammet currently assigned to Stormbringer.

  • Safety - The gunner mammet assigned to operate and maintain Stormbringer's cannons.

  • Gaspard de Lanverlai - Cyrille's school friend. Deceased.